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How to write the results section of the dissertation

How to write the results section of the dissertation

Writing the outcomes portion of a dissertation might be challenging for MBA or PhD students at a UK college or university. The components in the result, discussion, and conclusion sections are unclear to the student. They struggle to decide on the best way to convey their findings in the dissertation.

The expert staff at assignment help services has assisted the student in learning how to write the results section after considering the problems that students confront. Additionally, they went into depth about the factors students should consider while writing the outcomes section. You need to understand the difference between a dissertation and vs thesis to write a perfect result section. 

When the data collecting and analysis process is complete, you must write the results. You must present your dissertation results in this crucial area of the paper. The solution to your query about how to write the results section of a dissertation is provided below since students are now asking questions about what should be said in the results section.

What are the important things that you need to consider

You should take into account writing the following in the results section when looking for tips under how to write the results section of the dissertation:

  • Make sure that you mention the factors that you have used to create the study. 

  • Note that at least one independent and dependent variable is used in quantitative research. You should explicitly identify the variables in your study in the findings section. It is believed that the dependent variable is an outcome variable. Independent variables are ones that the researcher has no control over. An investigator controls it to see if it affects the dependent variables.

  • You also must consider whether your study's variables are continuous or categorical. In other words, you must figure out how the dependent and independent variables are related.

  • Continuous variables change over time or in response to a circumstance.

  • The variables with fixed values are considered categorical variables.

  • After learning about the factors to consider, let's now understand how the results section should be put up with Dissertation help in the UK.

Elements Of The Dissertation's Results Section

Only the key research findings are presented in the results section, which is written for the dissertation. The main conclusions concern:

  • Make sure that you present the information in tables and also use charts to make it look attractive. 

  • Information contextualization. Definition of the significance of the data.

  • Important details are about respondents or participants.

  • Important details are about the study questions.

  • Results are obtained by examining the data obtained from secondary sources.

Let's look at how to write the findings section for the dissertation now that we are aware of the components that should be included.

Consider Your Research Findings

During this stage, you should focus primarily on the outcomes and results connected to your research questions. You must use subheadings while writing the findings portion of your dissertation to streamline the report. It's a clever technique that you may use to help the reader comprehend the investigation's conclusions.

You must now decide how the dissertation's outcomes section will be organized. The findings section might be arranged following the study questions or assumptions. The results section can be organized either chronologically or hierarchically.

Recommendations: You should consider the aims, evidence, and audience while choosing the format for the outcomes section.

Create information presentation tables and figures.

The tables and figures should be correctly numbered. The table's data should be self-explanatory. Tables should include significant and comprehensive information. The reader should be able to grasp the research's findings by evaluating the figures and tables that are given to them.

Compose the Results Section. 

The third stage's primary goal is to properly display the complicated data by using figures and findings. The results section's opening paragraph should strongly emphasize connecting the investigation's goals or research questions to the findings. Writing the outcomes portion of your dissertation requires work.

Example of a Dissertation Results Section

For instance, a study is being done to determine if women or men prefer to read romance novels. The independent variable in this inquiry is gender, while the dependent variable is an assumption about book reading.

  • Consequently, it is acknowledged as a categorical variable as well. Tables and graphs might be used to display the research's findings. You can give specific statistics on the number of women who like reading romantic fiction.

  • After learning about the factors to consider, let's now gain an idea of how the results section should be put up.

Writing Guidelines For The Results Section Of The Dissertation

Here are some pointers you may use to properly get clarity about how to write the results section of the dissertation.

  • Before writing the findings section, you must consider important factors, such as your aim, objectives, and research questions. While writing the outcomes section, you must connect your findings to the study's objectives or research questions.

  • You may show information in a structured way using graphs, tables, charts, etc.

  • You must ensure that the study findings are presented logically and methodically after drafting the results section.

  • Writing themes, followed by a data table, a graph, and then an interpretation of the data, is one of the greatest methods for structuring your findings section.

  • You should be aware that tables and graphs play a key role in the results section when presenting the study findings. As a result, you must provide each table and figure out a suitable caption.


This was all about how to write the results section of the dissertation. The investigation's outcomes are presented in the dissertation's results section. Only observations made in the context of Questions are given in great depth. Key research issues are not fully addressed in the dissertation's Results section. In a dissertation's outcomes section, you shouldn't use phrases like "implies," "suggest," etc because all of these terms are better suited to the discussion area.